Rethinking debt: The good, the 坏, and the necessary

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债务 is a scary concept for many people, and understandably so.

但现实是: 一点债务其实是件好事. 

By avoiding it entirely, you could be doing more harm than good.

The key is to approach debt with a strategic mindset. You may be surprised to learn there is such a thing as "good debt".



"Good debt" is when you borrow money to pay for things that can increase in value or help you in the long-term. 

"Bad debt" is when you borrow money for things that lose their value quickly or don't help you in the long run.

这里有一些最常见的好处, 坏, and necessary debts you're likely to encounter in your financial journey.



Cash advances come from withdrawing cash on your credit card, 透支你的信用额度, 还需要预付现金和很高的年利率. Both of these are extremely difficult to pay off due to the fees and high interest that come with these financial quick fixes.


信用重建贷款: These loans allow people with lower credit scores to borrow money without facing high interest rates. Louisiana FCU offers a credit rebuilder loan called the Xtend贷款, designed specifically to help individuals improve their credit while keeping interest costs manageable. 

现金奖励: If you have a credit card that has a cash-back rewards program, like a 万事达卡白金奖励, you can use those rewards to redeem a large amount of cash.


Situations arise that require an immediate need for cash. Before taking out a payday loan or a cash advance on your credit card, be sure you have considered all your options to ensure your dire need for a financial quick fix won't leave you in debt for years to come.



Some forms of debt, like home loans, can actually improve your financial health.

构建公平: A home loan allows you to purchase a property and build equity over time. 当你每月还房贷的时候, you're slowly paying off the loan and increasing your ownership stake in the property. This equity can be used as collateral for other loans, or as a source of savings for retirement.

升值潜力: 从历史上看, real estate has appreciated in value over the long term, which means that your home could be worth more than you paid for it if you hold onto it for a number of years. This can provide a valuable source of wealth and financial security for you and your family.

税收优惠: 首页owners can often deduct the interest paid on their 抵押贷款 from their income taxes, 哪一种方法可以节省大量资金. 除了, 如果你卖掉房子赚钱, you may be eligible for a capital gains exclusion that can further reduce your tax liability.

By using a home loan as a financial tool, you can set yourself up for a more secure future.



Have you ever been offered a credit card during check out at a big chain store? The cashier probably explained that by signing up for the store credit card, 你会得到诱人的折扣或奖励.

然而, the interest rates on these cards can be astronomical, often exceeding 20%. Retail cards often come with hidden fees and penalties, 比如滞纳金和年费, that can quickly add up and trap you in a cycle of debt.

虽然这些卡片可能会吸引你的时刻, they are often not worth the long-term financial strain they can cause. 


好债务: 商业贷款 

如果你是一个企业家或小企业主, you may feel squeamish about taking on debt to grow your enterprise. 然而, taking out a business loan can be a smart move that can help your company succeed.

增长资本: When your business needs capital to expand or make improvements, a loan can be an effective way to access the funds you need. 这可以让你投资新设备, 雇佣更多的员工, 或者开一家新店, which can ultimately lead to increased revenue and profits.

提高你的信用评分: 及时偿还你的商业贷款, you can establish a positive credit history and improve your credit score. This can make it easier to qualify for future loans or lines of credit, which can be valuable as your business continues to grow.

税收优惠: 就像住房贷款一样, interest paid on business loans can be tax-deductible, 减少你的整体纳税义务. This can be especially valuable for small businesses that are looking to minimize their expenses.

能帮助管理现金流: 业务 loans can be used to manage cash flow and cover short-term expenses, 例如工资单或库存. This can help ensure that your business remains financially stable during periods of slower sales or unexpected expenses.

十大网投官方入口抓住机会: 当一个新的机会出现时,它需要资金, such as a chance to purchase a competitor or expand into a new market, having access to a business loan can allow you to act quickly and decisively. This can help you stay ahead of your competition and capitalize on emerging trends.



High-interest loans are also known as predatory loans, 对借款人施加不公平或欺骗性的条款. 通常, these loans are geared towards customers who don't have a strong understanding of loan agreements, 或者没有其他合法的贷款选择.

Taking out a high-interest loan means that your monthly payments will be significantly higher, and you will be paying more on the interest by the time the loan is paid off. 以避免招致高息贷款, consider multiple lenders that are willing to help you structure your loan efficiently, and allow you to pick a repayment process that will help you accomplish your financial goals without being burdened by excessive interest. If you already have high-interest loans and are looking to pay them off faster than the term of the loan, 考虑:

降低开支. 寻找可以降低开支的方法. 这可以通过切割更小的, monthly bills like reducing the number of subscriptions you have or cutting back on coffee and soda. Even bigger financial adjustments can help you pay off your loan faster, such as advertising for a new roommate or moving to a cheaper apartment. Every dollar you save can go towards paying off your high-interest loan(s).

巩固债务. Consolidating multiple high-interest loans will give you the opportunity to refinance your debt with a loan that has a lower interest rate. 债务合并 can decrease your monthly payments and adjust the term of the loan(s), making it easier to pay off.  

咨询信用顾问. If you are struggling to make ends meet while paying off multiple high-interest loans, credit counselors can assist you in forming a plan to pay off your debt. Look to your financial institution for different services they provide for credit counseling. 



必要的 债务:汽车和汽车贷款 

汽车 loans can be a tricky financial decision to make, 以及它们是否被认为是“好债”, or "坏 debt" can vary depending on your specific situation. 

随着时间的推移,大多数汽车都会贬值. If you end up needing to sell the car before the loan is paid off, you may be stuck with negative equity and owe more on the loan than you can get from the sale.

Vehicle shortages caused by supply chain issues launched auto prices to 新高 in 2022. On top of that, the Federal Reserve boosted interest rates to help curb inflation. These factors have led many to pay more in interest than their car is actually worth. 


汽车是必不可少的: Unless you live in a walkable city, having a car is a necessity in America. 你是否需要一辆车去上班, 带你的孩子去学校, 或者跑腿, 拥有可靠的交通工具是必须的. 如果你没有足够的现金直接买一辆车, taking out a car loan can be a smart way to finance this essential purchase.

你可以再融资: 如果你在价格高的时候买车, 以较低的利率再融资 can reduce your monthly payment and free up money for other expenses.




必要的 债务:学生贷款 

教育费用是一个敏感的话题. 美国的学生债务.S. 打击 $1.75万亿年 in 2022, with the average borrower taking out $28,950 in student loans to afford their education.

According to research, 28% of American college students 后悔背负了学生贷款 资助他们的教育.

While there are certainly arguments in favor of student loans as good debt, 有很多人会嘲笑这个想法.

For something to be considered good debt, it would need to help you in the long run. While a college or advanced degree can certainly open up opportunities for future earnings, there is no guarantee that it will lead to a high-paying job. 




1. 计算机工程——7.4万美元

2. 化学工程——7万美元

3. 航空航天工程——7万美元

4. 电气工程——7万美元

5. 工业 工程——69000美元




1. 消费者科学——3.2万美元

2. 社会科学——3.4万美元

3. 表演艺术——3.4万美元

4. 社会服务:35,000美元

5. 人类学——3.6万美元



As you can see, the investment in education is not a guaranteed payoff. 

然而, there are still benefits to student loans that don't exist with other forms of debt.

灵活的还款选择: Many student loan lenders offer flexible repayment options, including income-driven repayment plans and deferment or forbearance programs. These options can help you manage your debt and avoid default if you experience financial hardship.

潜在的税收优惠: 这取决于你的收入水平和其他因素, you may be eligible for tax benefits related to your student loan debt. For example, you may be able to deduct the interest you pay on your loans from your taxable income.

建立信用记录: Student loans are a great tool for helping young adults qualify for other types of loans and credit products in the future. 

可能的宽恕: The issue of student loan forgiveness is a complex and controversial one, and there is currently no clear consensus on the matter. 2022年8月, President Biden announced his plan to cancel student loan debt for qualifying individuals. 然而, there has been no widespread forgiveness of student loans to date, and it remains to be seen whether this will become a reality in the future. 目前, the federal government offers several programs that can provide loan forgiveness or cancellation for certain types of borrowers, such as those working in public service or those who have been defrauded by their school. 

和任何类型的借款一样, it's important to carefully consider the costs and benefits, 而且只借你有能力偿还的钱.



债务不是罪恶. 是的, it should be approached with caution – but don't let fear of debt hold you back from pursuing financial growth and stability. By understanding the nuances of different types of debt and approaching it with a strategic mindset, you can take control of your finances and achieve your long-term goals.


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